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Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon talks about how a minituck can help fight the signs of aging

A minituck or a full facelift: which is right for you?

Minituck or full facelift: which is the right facial plastic surgery procedure for you? Both the full facelift and the minituck target signs of aging on the face.  Heredity, gravity, sun exposure, and personal habits can all age a person’s face.  Both a full facelift...
Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon talks about how a minituck can help fight the signs of aging

Fight the early signs of aging with a minituck

A minituck can reverse the signs of aging A minituck may be the right answer to the sagging skin around your jawline, neck and cheeks.  This facial plastic surgery procedure is not as major as a full facelift.  Often thought of as a weekend lift, a minituck can help...
Minitucks and facelifts in Charlotte, NC

Minitucks and facelifts in Charlotte, NC

Overview Minitucks Minitucks are a cosmetic procedure similar to a facelift or mini-facelift to reverse the signs of aging by targeting certain areas of the face and neck. Aging causes wrinkles and sagging skin on your face and neck, which typically becomes noticeable...