(704) 543-1110
Surgery can make your nose look masculine or feminine

Surgery can make your nose look masculine or feminine

People who want male or female noses People come to a rhinoplasty surgeon wanting all sorts of changes. Sometimes they want a slightly shorter or smaller nose. It’s common to want a deviated septum or nasal hump straightened out, or a nose given better symmetry, and...
Finding the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Charlotte

Finding the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Charlotte

Planning your rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty, or the nose job, is one of the most common forms of plastic surgery — and with good reason. The nose is at the center of the face, and is one of its most noticeable features. A damaged or misshapen nose can severely impact your...
Rhinoplasty and the male and female nose

Rhinoplasty and the male and female nose

What makes a nose masculine or feminine One request that rhinoplasty surgeons sometimes get is for a patient’s nose to look more “masculine” or “feminine.” If you don’t spend a lot of time looking at other people’s noses, this may seem strange, but if you have ever...
Rhinoplasty can repair other rhinoplasties

Rhinoplasty can repair other rhinoplasties

The popularity of rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular forms of facial plastic surgery, second only to eyelid surgery. It covers a variety of procedures that can do anything from changing the size of the tip of the nose, making it point in a slightly...
No two rhinoplasties are alike

No two rhinoplasties are alike

Different noses, different nose jobs Rhinoplasty, or the nose job, has consistently been one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery over the past few years. In 2014, 150,000 people underwent rhinoplasty. Common reasons for a nose job are to reduce a nasal hump,...