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Lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty expert in Charlotte answers questions

Lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty can help you retain facial appeal

Lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty experts in Charlotte help you retain your appeal even as you age. SOOF refers to Sub-Orbicularis Oculi Fat to describe a procedure where the patient has the fat lifted from the eyelid. Lower lid SOOF lift is minimally invasive and seeks to improve your cheek’s convexity and progression.

The lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty is comparatively a new concept for most people going for the procedure the first time. As is common with beginner’s fright, most people want to gather as many details as possible. In the quest for information, most patients have more questions than answers.

This article focuses on the common lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty questions as experts offer appropriate answers.

Is Lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty permanent?

The procedure aims to get rid of the SOOF bags on the eyelid. This does not stop the eyelids from aging alongside the rest of the face.

Fat bags on the eyelid make aging a lot faster and unpleasant. The procedure gets rid of them permanently, meaning the aging results will be a lot better over the years.

Is the procedure safe?

The safety of the lower lid SOOF lift blepharoplasty depends on who the patient entrusts to handle their case. Experienced blepharoplasty surgeons perform the procedure safely to produce excellent results.

How long does the lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty recovery take?

Recovery from the SOOF blepharoplasty procedure takes between 10 and 14 days. The procedure results will be visible in such a stage, and the patient enjoys rejuvenated youth.

The results in the initial days sometimes look rough on most patients. Within the two-week recovery period, signs of the procedure clear out, and they are left with satisfactory results.

What happens after lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty?

Within the recovery period, you will likely experience bruising and swelling. There can be mild to minimal scarring that fades overtime to leave you with a smooth-looking face.

The best approach for patients is to take care of their faces during recovery. Too much exposure of the delicate eyelid skin to harsh elements, including the sun, can yield unpleasant results.

Work with the experts for top Lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty results

To get the best results from the blepharoplasty procedure, it is essential to work with the best people for the job. Find the best lower lid “SOOF” lift blepharoplasty surgeon in Charlotte for outstanding results.

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only FacesCharlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.