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Charlotte’s best rhinoplasty specialist explains managing nasal septum perforations

Rhinoplasty specialist can help correct nasal septum perforations

Charlotte’s best rhinoplasty specialist offers great services to correct nasal septum perforations. A somewhat frequent illness that affects people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds is nasal septum perforation. Numerous factors, including as trauma, infections, drug addiction, autoimmune diseases, and iatrogenic causes, might cause it to happen. The symptoms of a perforated nasal septum can be modest to severe and have a substantial impact on a person’s quality of life.

Nasal septum perforation explained

A hole or opening in the nasal septum, the delicate bone and cartilage wall separating the two nasal cavities, is referred to as nasal septum perforation. The underlying reason, the size and location of the perforation, and the severity of the symptoms may all influence the course of treatment for nasal septum perforation. To lessen inflammation and stop infection, doctors may prescribe antibiotics or nasal saline sprays.


Depending on the size and location of the hole, nasal septum perforations can present with a variety of symptoms. While some individuals may have no symptoms at all, others may:

  • Nasal congestion can be brought on by a hole in the nasal septum, which reduces airflow through the nose.
  • Nasal septum perforations can frequently lead to nosebleeds, especially if they occur in the anterior section of the septum.
  • Crusts may form inside the nose as a result of the perforation’s margins becoming dry and irritating.
  • Whistling sound: Breathing through a breach in the nasal septum can produce a whistling sound.
  • Chronic headaches may develop as a result of the increased airflow resistance brought on by holes in the nasal septum.

Surgical management of nasal septum perforations

When non-surgical treatments, such as nasal saline irrigations and lubricants, are ineffective or when the perforation is causing serious problems, such as breathing difficulties, crusting, and pain, surgical therapy of NSP may be necessary. Surgery should only be chosen after careful consideration of the risks and advantages of your healthcare professional.

A graft or flap is used during surgery to close the perforation in NSP. The patient’s own tissue or tissue from a donor source may be used for the graft or flap. Endoscopic and open surgery are the two primary techniques, and each has benefits and drawbacks. The size and location of the perforation, the surgeon’s experience, and the patient’s preferences may all affect the technique that is used.

Work with Charlotte’s best rhinoplasty specialist

Rhinoplasty specialists help you deal with nasal septum perforations among other nose imperfections, leaving you breathing well and looking better. Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.