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Rhinoplasty in Charlotte NC: prepare for your nose job

Rhinoplasty is all about getting the nose you desire

A rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to adjust the shape of your nose and can be performed by a cosmetic surgeon in Charlotte NC. Whether you have a nose injury or would love a smaller nose bump, a nose job can help. It is a big move, though, and one that requires much thought or consideration. Read on to find out more about preparing yourself emotionally for nose surgery.

Know your reasons for a nose job

Surgery is not something you think about and rush to have the next day. If you are thinking about having a rhinoplasty, you should know why. It could be that you have felt awkward and self-conscious about the shape of your nose all your life. Perhaps you have decided that a change in nose shape would better suit the stage of life that you have entered. There could also be an injury that has left your nose partially disfigured. Whatever the case may be, knowing your reasons for wanting the nose job prepares you emotionally and also helps you communicate your needs to Charlotte’s best rhinoplasty surgeon.

Know your expected results

Once you have consulted with a rhinoplasty surgeon, you are getting closer to your desired outcome. They will let you know whether what you want is feasible or not. They will often show you pictures of past results from nose surgery. A nose job before and after picture lets you know what other people have experienced.

When you visit their offices, this would also be a great time to learn as much as you can about the procedure. Find out about the pain level, the recovery period, the nose job cost, and anything else you would like to know. All of this information can help you figure out if you are ready to make this permanent change to how you look. Consider the emotional impact of a whole new look. It is also a good idea to enquire about revision rhinoplasty and what that might entail.

Embrace the change

Now that you have asked all the questions and done all the research and groundwork, you should be ready to decide definitely whether to move forward or not. If you are excited about getting a rhinoplasty and changing the way you look, then you are ready to schedule your appointment. After the procedure, you will have a short healing and recovery period. On the other side of the procedure lies a new you who is happy and confident.

Top facial plastic surgeon for your rhinoplasty surgery

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today to ask about getting a rhinoplasty.