Rhinoplasty expert is here for you
A rhinoplasty expert should be able to operate on a nose of any shape or size. There are many reasons a patient might ask for rhinoplasty. Some of the common are to reduce the prominence of a nasal hump, change the size of the tip of the nose or the direction in which the tip points, or straighten a deviated septum. Every case is different. The skin on the nose is usually thicker in men than in women but is thicker in some places than in others, creating a fresh complication for the rhinoplasty expert. As a general rule, the thicker the skin, the thinner the cartilage under it. The cartilage and bone of the nasal structure are what the surgeon most often operates on.In about one in five cases, the patient should get a chin implant in addition to or even instead of the rhinoplasty procedure.
Psychological issues around rhinoplasty
Hundreds of thousands of people in the United States undergo rhinoplasty every year. People seek out rhinoplasty for different reasons, and these reasons are not always healthy ones. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your own appearance, but there is an unhealthy version of this normal desire called body dysmorphic disorder — the sense that your own body is in some way wrong or misshapen.
According to JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, some patients who ask for rhinoplasty do so because of body dysmorphic disorder. These patients can be distinguished from others by testing their nasal function and their perception of their nasal function. If they believe that they are not breathing properly, but they are, this may be a sign of body dysmorphic disorder. This would not be a problem if BDD could reliably be treated by rhinoplasty. Unfortunately, another study has shown that only 25 percent of patients with BDD experience any improvement at all after surgery. This is one reason why it is important for a rhinoplasty expert to talk with the patient beforehand, to make sure the problem is with the nose and not with the mind.
Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon
Dr. Sean Freeman is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Charlotte, NC today. He has been certified by two different boards of surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Since 1988 he has concentrated on his specialty — facial plastic surgery, including nose jobs. Many of his patients have already gotten nose jobs from other surgeons and are seeking revision rhinoplasty to improve them. If you live in or near Charlotte and want a nose job, schedule your appointment or online consultation with Charlotte’s top rhinoplasty expert today.
Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.