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Lower eye lid surgery in Charlotte NC: what to know about a blepharoplasty procedure

Lower eye lid surgery: what you should know about the procedure


Lower eye lid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that is performed on the lower eye lids to reduce any bagginess. After the procedure, your eyes will look more open and rested.


Often the first area to show any signs of aging, the delicate skin around the eyes will start to droop in the lower lids as your skin starts to lose elasticity. This will result in a more rejuvenated and rested appearance.


Who would be a good candidate?

People who have a realistic idea of what they are looking for and are in good health would make the best candidates for a lower eye lift. Most patients are older than 35, but you may choose to have the procedure done sooner if droopy eyelids or baggy eyelids run in your family.


This procedure can help you build your confidence and can improve your appearance. However, eye lid surgery may not alter your facial structure or result in your ideal look. Always think about your goals and talk about them with your doctor before deciding to have the surgery.


Are there any side effects?

Blepharoplasty is just like any other type of surgery and isn’t excluded from any potential side effects or complications. The first thing to take into consideration is that the results of the surgery will always take some time to show.


Bruising, scarring, and swelling in the eye area are some of the other side effects that you can experience. You may also have temporary blindness and double vision; however, these should fix themselves within a day. You can be prescribed medication if you are experiencing any eye dryness, itching, or any other type of discomfort.


How long do the results last?

Unlike an upper eyelid procedure that will only last for approximately five to seven years, lower eyelid surgery will rarely need to be repeated. But, your eyes will still age after the surgery.


You can always have a forehead lift instead of another eye lift, if your lids start to sag again, this would be the more preferable procedure.


What results will you see and when?

After your blepharoplasty procedure, you can expect to see some improvements with your under-eye bags as well as a smoother transition between your cheeks and eye lids, however, the results will vary. You should look more vibrant and youthful as well as natural.

Immediately following your surgery, you should start noticing a difference in your eye lids. However, these results may be hidden by any discoloration and swelling after the surgery. It might take several weeks for the swelling to go down completely, but many patients are able to go back to work after one to two weeks.


Lower eye lid surgery in Charlotte NC

Lower eye lid surgery in Charlotte NC will help to restore a youthful look and make our patients look refreshed and rejuvenated. We are Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon.


Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.