Facial plastic surgery- too important for Instagram
Facial plastic surgery is an important business. The best place to find a doctor to perform your facial plastic surgeon is not, repeat, not on Instagram. Many of the advertisements you will find there come from foreign surgeons in countries with different malpractice laws. Choosing their services means spending money on airline tickets (cutting into the money you are trying to save) and running the risk of suffering from badly done surgery with no recourse.
Other advertisements come from surgeons who are perfectly qualified to work in other fields — dermatologists, gynecologists, and general surgeons, for instance — but who are not experts in facial plastic surgeon. By law, any licensed medical doctor can perform plastic surgery, but for most doctors, having the limb or organ comes out of the process looking good is very much secondary to having it function properly. Facial plastic surgery is a specialized skill, that blends medical knowledge with a sense of facial aesthetics. If you live in, say, the Charlotte, NC area, then look for someone within driving distance who has certification from at least one board of plastic surgeons, enough years of experience that you can be certain of his or her skill, and recommendations on sites such as realself.com.
Ask a surgeon if you need surgery (yes, really)
If you are considering facial plastic surgery, get the opinion of an expert. The best facial plastic surgeons know that a reputation for honesty is better in the long run than simply selling as much surgery as possible. You might find out that you can get the results you want with filler injections or laser skin resurfacing.
Lasers can be used to treat lines and wrinkles too fine for lifts or filler injections by rejuvenating the lower layers of the skin. This can be performed with little to no discomfort and can be done every four to six weeks. Lasers can also be used to treat sun damage, unwanted tattoos, or abnormally dilated blood vessels.
Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon
Whether you need surgery or a non-surgical procedure, you will want it to be done by someone with a lot of experience. Dr. Sean Freeman is the most experienced facial plastic surgeon in Charlotte. He has been certified by two different surgery boards, the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. His website is called “OnlyFaces.com” has focused his efforts on facial plastic surgery since 1988. He favors the Smoothbeam® laser from Candela® and was the first cosmetic surgeon in the Charlotte area to offer it. If you are interested in facial plastic surgery, make an appointment today or ask for an online consultation so you can take advantage of the discount on the consultation fee.
Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.