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Facelift options in Charlotte NC with top facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Freeman

Facelift options are discussed for people looking for a more youthful look in Charlotte NC through the help of cosmetic surgery.

A facelift is one of many cosmetic surgery options

A facelift is one surgical posture that you are considering if you want to improve your facial appearance with the help of a professional in Charlotte NC. There’s more than one option, so it all depends on the results you want and what the surgeon recommends. In this article, we discuss a few of the most common options available to you.

Why get a facelift?

Aging is a natural process, and it comes with a gradual change in the body. For the face, the most common marks include wrinkles, sagging skin, and a sunken appearance in certain places such as the cheeks. These marks of aging differ in their onset from person to person, and genetics may have a lot to do with this.

For anyone looking to look younger and to restore their youthful exuberance, a face lift could be the way to go. This procedure has been around for a while now and has produced many, many happy clients. No matter how old you are, you can consider a facelift surgery to help you look and feel amazing. The best way to see how impactful this procedure can be, we recommend that you take some time going through facelift before and after pictures to give you real life examples of what you can look forward to. The results differ from person to person, but you can get a general idea of what this cosmetic procedure is all about.

Before you get a facelift surgery appointment, you will have to consult a professional. They will determine if you are a good candidate, decide which procedure is best for you, and tell you how to prepare for the surgery.

Types of facelifts

There are various types of facelifts. Let’s take a brief look at three of them:

  • A deep plane facelift repositions the skin and deeper tissue. It is commonly recommended for people with a sagging midface and heavy neck. The result is a youthful look without a stretched appearance. We recommend you look at some deep place facelift before and after photos for a better understanding of what’s possible.
  • A deep plane minituck is often recommended for people with loose skin around their neck, midface, and perioral area. Usually, this laxity is from skin and muscles, rather than from fat storage.
  • Signature lift is similar to a weekend facelift and is a proprietary procedure from Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon. To find out more about this, you can reach out to him.

Top Charlotte facial plastic surgeon for your facelift

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.