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Eye Lift in Charlotte from the top facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Sean Freeman

Eye lift surgery requires a professional surgeon to get the best results.

You want a surgeon with good reviews, and excellent before/after photos showing he produces excellent results.

We all know no one likes to age or start looking older.

One common telltale sign of aging is the drooping/sagging of the skin on the forehead and eyebrows. When the skin around the temple, forehead, and eyebrow sag, even just slightly, it gives a person a tired, sad, and sometimes even mad look. Since our eyebrows tend to tell people what mood we are in, the look of the drooping eyebrow can be deceiving. Even people who have practiced facial exercises their whole life may experience this aging effect.

Although your age cannot be reversed, thankfully the look of aging can be with an endoscopic eye lift. Injectables will not give you the desired look you want for very long. They are instead a Band-Aid or a quick fix for a problem that needs an experienced plastic surgeon. For the eyebrow and the skin around it to truly be fixed, it needs to be repositioned through a simple surgery – the endoscopic brow lift.

Top eye lift surgeon in Charlotte, Dr. Sean Freeman

Dr Sean Freeman is experienced in tightening the temple and eyebrow muscles, as well as repositioning the facial expression back to its natural position. While the endoscopic brow lift is considered a surgery, there need be no fear, for it is a very minor one.  There will be a small scar, but it will be unseen because it will be hidden in your eyebrow, or just above the eyebrow. No one will be able to tell you had surgery! Since this surgery is minor, the downtime is minimal, if any. The healing is also quick and most patients can return to work the next day. You do not have to deal with questions or concerns about your exhaustion or sadness any longer.

This surgery not only helps you regain your youthful and rejuvenated look, but it also restores your eyebrow and eyebrow functions to where they should be naturally. An experienced plastic surgeon’s goal is to make you look like the best you possible. You will not look fake or constantly surprised after this surgery, which can sometimes happen after an inexperienced injectable. People will comment on your new youthful appearance right away.

Top eye lift surgeon in Charlotte, NC

For women or men who have droopy eyebrows, there is a good chance they also have droopy or dark under eyes, as well. professionals are also experienced in those procedures to give you the overall youthful look that you desire and deserve.

If you are in Charlotte NC and looking for an eye lift Dr. Sean Freeman will answer your questions. You will get the professional help that will guide you through the steps leading to the surgery.

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon to find which the best procedure for you is, and how to proceed.