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Best facial plastic surgeon in Charlotte NC explains different anesthesia types in facial surgery

The best facial plastic surgeon uses anesthesia for all surgeries

The best facial plastic surgeon in Charlotte NC handles different procedures depending on the client’s wants. Some plastic operations can be carried out in our clinic with a minimum amount of anesthetic, depending on the treatment. For the comfort of the patient, more sophisticated treatments may be carried out in a surgical facility while the patient is asleep. A more appealing, youthful appearance can be achieved by choosing to get facial plastic surgery. It is also a significant choice with numerous considerations.

Here is a thorough breakdown of the four anesthetic techniques used in facial plastic surgery:

Oral sedation

To help with a sedative and anxiety-reducing impact, pills might be taken. Once ingested, the effect starts to take action within 15 to 30 minutes and lasts for up to two hours. Patients say they feel extremely at ease and sleepy. This is the best option for people who are anxious about undergoing operations while they are still conscious. It’s crucial to keep in mind that you should not drive after taking this drug, either to or from your treatment.

Local anesthesia

This kind does not call for the presence of an anesthetic provider. Lidocaine, a numbing agent, and epinephrine, a blood vessel constrictor, will be injected into the skin by the surgeon. Within 15 minutes, a numbing sensation sets in, and it can persist for up to two hours. If done properly, the patient will feel movements and light pressure rather than any severe or painful pain. This type of anesthetic is frequently used for quick, in-office operations like lacerations, skin cancer excision, and biopsies.

General anesthesia

Anesthesia of this kind is administered in a hospital or an outpatient surgery facility. The patient is put into a deep sleep when an anesthesiologist inserts a tube in their throat. The patient is not aware of his or her surroundings and is not in pain throughout this period. This is best for people undergoing extended, complex surgeries as well as those who have other serious health issues like heart disease and COPD. For a few days after the procedure, some individuals feel nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. For this anesthesia, the patient will need assistance going home after the procedure.

Monitored anesthesia care

Twilight sedation is a common name for this. To assist the patient in achieving a deeper level of sedation, an anesthesia professional will place an IV and provide various drugs. All vital signs are kept track of when the patient is asleep throughout this period. This does not involve inserting a tube down the throat. Patients in good health undergoing a more complicated treatment are best served by monitored anesthetic care. The patient will once again need a driver to take them to and from the treatment, which can be done in an office setting.

Find the best facial plastic surgeon in Charlotte NC: Dr. Sean Freeman

Performing facial plastic surgery requires anesthesia to keep you calm throughout the process. Work with the best facial plastic surgeon in Charlotte NC for the best results.

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only FacesCharlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.