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Best facial plastic surgeon for otoplasty in Charlotte, NC

Best facial plastic surgeon says that otoplasty, also known as cosmetic ear surgery, is a procedure to change the position, shape, or size of the ears.

Best facial plastic surgeon for otoplasty

Best facial plastic surgeons recommend otoplasty for any patients who are bothered by how far their ears stick out from their head.  If their ears are misshapen due to an injury or birth defect.

Otoplasty can be done at any age after the ears have reached their full size (after age 5)

If a baby is born with prominent ears and certain other ear-shaped problems, splinting may help correct these issues if started immediately after birth

Why it’s done

The best facial plastic surgeon often recommends otoplasty if:

  • The ear or ears stick out too to the head,
  • The ears are large in proportion to the head,
  • Dissatisfaction with previous ear surgery,

Otoplasty is typically done on both ears to optimize symmetry. This won’t change the location of the patient’s ears or alter their ability to hear.

After the procedure

Best facial plastic surgeons say that_ after the otoplasty procedure, the ears will be covered in bandages for protection and support.

The patient will likely feel some discomfort and itching, and pain medication as recommended by your doctor. If discomfort increases after the medication, contact your doctor immediately.

To keep pressure off the ears, it is advised to avoid sleeping on the side. Also, try not to rub or place excessive force on the incisions.

A few days after otoplasty, the surgeon will remove the bandages. The ears will likely be swollen and red. The patient will need to wear a loose headband that covers the ears at night for two to six weeks. This will help keep from pulling the ears forward when rolling over in bed.


Best facial plastic surgeons say that after the bandages are removed, the patient will notice an immediate change in the appearance of his or her ears. These changes are permanent.

If you’re not satisfied with your results, check with your surgeon about the possibility of revision surgery.


As in every operation, there is a potential risk for Bleeding, Scarring, Infection, and Bruising. Repositioning, meaning that the ear returns to the previous position is extremely rare.

Best facial plastic surgeon in Charlotte 

Every surgical procedure comes with risks. The reason why using a certified and reliable surgeon is the best way to ensure operations are done safely. For otoplasty in Charlotte, contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon to find which is the best procedure for you, and how to proceed.