Our brow lift procedure can help give you the look you want
A brow lift will help with one of the most defining features of your face. Your eyebrows can help you to show your emotions and outline your eyes. Everyone would like to have beautiful eyebrows, but it can be harder to have the eyebrows that you want as you get older. Every day, gravity is working against everyone. The tightness of the skin on your forehead will determine where your eyebrows are on your face. You may want to consider a brow lift procedure if you are feeling that your eyebrows are sagging and need a helping hand to bring them back up.
What is a brow lift?
When considering an anti-aging plan, a brow lift may not be the first procedure that comes to mind. However, after becoming informed about all of the benefits of this procedure, you may decide to move this straight to the top of your list.
Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift can refresh your face by eliminating excess tissue and skin that can cause your eyebrows to sag. There are multiple types of brow lifts available, however, the end goal of each procedure will be the same, to lift the forehead tissues and underlying muscles so any deep furrows and wrinkles that will cause you to look older are decreased.
Benefits of a brow lift
You may be pleasantly surprised and satisfied with the results of a brow lift due to the fact that this procedure has the ability to erase facial creases and refreshen your face, we have a list of reasons for you to consider a brow lift, such as:
Opens up your eyes: a sagging brow, in some cases, can impact the appearance of your upper eyelids significantly making you look tired and may even make it difficult to apply your makeup. Your eye area will open up when the eyebrows are raised, making you look more youthful and alert.
Smooths creases in your face: as we have quickly mentioned above, by lifting your eyebrows and removing the excess tissue and skin, the telltale signs of aging in your upper face will be smoothed away. Vertical lines between your eyebrows, typically known as frown lines, and horizontal lines across your brows will disappear as your skin will look smoother.
Customized to your needs
This is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. This is a surgical procedure that can be tailored to your specific needs which will ensure a beautiful, natural result. Your brow lift will be designed just for you after your initial consultation with your surgeon and will help to meet your specific goals.
Top brow lift and facial plastic surgeon in Charlotte NC
A brow lift will offer a long-term correction to your facial creases, as well as drooping, sagging skin across your brow line. The results will be both long-lasting and dramatic.
As you can see, a brow lift can offer many benefits during a single procedure and Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon can achieve these benefits for you.
Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.