Correct sagging on your face with a browlift
A browlift can correct sagging in the skin of the upper eyelids, forehead, and eyebrows. Dr. M. Sean Freeman of Charlotte NC tells us that often when a patient is concerned about sagging skin on their upper lids, a browlift will do a better job of correcting the issue.
As Dr. Freeman describes it, many of his patients do better with an endoscopic brow lift rather than an upper eyelid procedure. This is because most patients experience increased fullness in the skin of the upper eyelid because of the migration of the brow and forehead into their upper eyelid area. This is when a browlift will result in better results than an upper eyelift. There are times when younger adults will have a naturally low brow or deep frown lines because of muscle activity or stress. These individuals may benefit from Dr. Freeman’s endoscopic brow lift.
The right procedure
Depending upon the position of the eyebrows, height of the hairline, and the amount of excess upper eyelid skin, Dr. Freeman may recommend the endoscopic brow lift technique. During the endoscopic brow lift, Dr. Freeman uses an endoscope. This is a long, thin tube that has a light attached to a video camera on the end. Dr. Freeman makes several tiny incisions in the patient’s scalp and then inserts the endoscope into these incisions. This provides Dr. Freeman the ability to see clearly into and work on the internal structure of the forehead. There are several benefits to the endoscopic brow lift including less incisions, a better, more natural result, and a complete return of sensation in the area of the surgery. There are rarely complications from endoscopic brow lift surgery, however some patients may experience itching and numbness for an extended length of time after surgery. Dr. Freeman will also prescribe pain medication for the first 48 hours.
The innovative approach
Dr. Freeman developed a new technique for endoscopic brow lift surgery for women. This new approach increases his ability to predict the end results for his patients. Dr. Freeman has been performing this innovative approach to endoscopic brow lift surgery for over ten years. Since endoscopic brow lift surgery is so different for men and women, Dr. Freeman’s segmental approach for female endoscopic surgery does not apply to men. During this technique, Dr. Freeman circumvents what he refers to as the “goldilocks phenomenon”. Dr. Freeman developed three types of brow releases which provides him vastly improved predictability of the end result. These different lifts are a lateral brow lift, a full brow lift, and a ¾ brow lift.
Dr. Freeman is a recognized expert in endoscopic brow lift surgery in Charlotte NC. Call his office today to schedule a consultation appointment to discuss brow lift surgery.
Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.