Surgical Procedures
What to know when you are undergoing a rhinoplasty in Charlotte
If you are unhappy with your nose, or you have difficulty breathing; you may be considering to undergo rhinoplasty in Charlotte. A skilled plastic surgeon can change many things about your nose, including its size, width at the bridge, its profile, and even the size and position of the nostrils. Some plastic surgeons specialize in ethnic rhinoplasty, a great option for people of different ethnicities and backgrounds who are looking for a subtle change to their nose.
Dr. Freeman is one of America’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeons. He emphasizes a closed approach, with no visible incisions for most first-time nose job patients.
Undergoing a rhinoplasty in Charlotte can also reshape the nasal tip and correct nasal asymmetry. It is also the method by which your plastic surgeon can correct certain breathing difficulties, such as those that are related to a deviated septum or for certain birth defects. If you have been injured in car or sports accident, that also makes you a candidate for rhinoplasty.
Defining rhinoplasty
Undergoing a rhinoplasty in Charlotte is a surgical procedure that is designed to reshape the nose. Commonly, it is referred to as a “nose job.” Your surgeon can subtly, or dramatically improve your appearance with this procedure. The first step is to schedule a consultation and evaluation with a surgeon. Your chosen surgeon will typically take photographs of your nose at varying angles. He or she will also ask you about your expectations to make sure that they are realistic. It certainly helps to bring photographs of noses that appeal to you. This will give the surgeon a better idea of the results you desire from your rhinoplasty. Your surgeon will likely show you photos of other rhinoplasty patients with similar nose shapes. This can give you a clearer understanding of the possible results.
Consultation with Dr. Freeman
If you wish to discuss rhinoplasty with Dr. Freeman, you should be prepared to answer questions about your existing and past medical conditions. Be sure to tell him about any medications that you are taking, as well as any other surgeries that you have had. He will help you develop a clear understanding of why you want rhinoplasty, and what you are expecting in terms of appearance after the procedure. Dr. Freeman will make sure that you understand the risks, and his expectations. If you are one of the many people who are considering Undergoing a rhinoplasty in Charlotte, see Dr. Freeman to
Keep your chin up with surgery
If you have ever looked in the mirror and wished that your chin were stronger, then you may be interested in a chin implant enhancement Charlotte. A chin implant, or mentoplasty, is a potent tool for improving the appearance of a face. A properly formed chin conveys an impression of strength and purposefulness in both men and women. In addition, the chin bone acts as the tentpole for the muscles of the neck, helping them to remain taut. A chin implant can make the difference between a strikingly attractive face and an unnoticeable one.
First, a chin implant will be selected for your particular needs. In the chin implant surgery, which will usually take less than an hour, the surgeon will make an incision under your chin where it can’t be seen and insert this implant into a pocket which has been created on your chin bone. A good facial plastic surgeon will sometimes perform a chin implant enhancement Charlotte instead of or as part of a nose job, to bring balance and harmony to the face.
Five to six days later, it will be time to remove your sutures. There may be swelling and bruising around the chin and neck, which will last for a week to ten days. During this time, there may also be some stiffness when smiling or talking, but this will also pass. If you choose chin implant enhancement Charlotte or any other facial implant procedure, your doctor will instruct you to take oral antibiotics both before and after the procedure to help protect you from infection.
Charlotte’s best facial plastic surgeon
Dr. Sean Freeman is undoubtedly Charlotte’s top surgeon for chin implants. He has been certified by two different surgery boards, the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He has done only facial plastic surgery since 1988. He has not had to remove a chin implant in twenty years. If you’re interested in chin implant enhancement Charlotte, call today or schedule an online consultation for a discount on the consultation fee.
Charlotte’s most experienced Facial Plastic Surgeon, doing chin implants
Men are the fastest-growing demographic for cosmetic surgery, and chin implants on the rise for men in Charlotte NC. For centuries, chiseled, and well-defined facial features have been considered traits of manliness. There is no doubt that a strong chin creates a first impression that projects definition and masculinity. Men who have undergone plastic surgery to gain these physical features, even report and enhanced self-confidence. Now, thanks to modern medicine and technology, there is a safe, permanent method to correct a receding chin in men. Chin augmentation with implants can give men a more vibrant and distinguishing appearance. The procedure is of great benefit to those with asymmetries or congenital defects.
Are chin implants safe?
Chin implants for men in Charlotte are proven to be a safe, affordable cosmetic surgical procedure. Facial implants for men are comprised of non-toxic materials. There have been millions of implants with no reported cases of allergic reaction. The implants are custom-trimmed by your surgeon to provide the results that you desire. Charlotte’s most experienced facial plastic surgeon uses implants for chin augmentation that are designed to adapt to the patient’s anatomy to provide a rugged masculine look.
Expectations for chin implant surgery
Depending upon the recommended procedure, your surgeon may recommend chin augmentation surgery in addition to facelift surgery or rhinoplasty. Many men will simply have a chin implant, perhaps with some minor neck surgery in order to achieve optimal results. The procedure usually takes less than an hour. During the procedure, the chin implant is inserted into a pocket created on the bone. Swelling and bruising may be visible around the chin and neck for about a week to ten days. You may also notice some stiffness during smiling and talking, which will resolve with time. Most patients heal quickly and can return to normal activities within a week.
Consultation with Dr. Freeman
If you wish to discuss chin implants with Dr. Freeman, you should be prepared to answer questions about your existing and past medical conditions. Be sure to tell him about any medications that you are taking, as well as any other surgeries that you have had. He will help you develop a clear understanding of why you want rhinoplasty, and what you are expecting in terms of appearance after the procedure. Dr. Freeman will make sure that you understand the risks, and his expectations. Chin implants on the rise for men in Charlotte, NC, see Dr. Freeman today.
It is no surprise that so many people want to know how a brow lift takes years off your face. The forehead and around the eyes is generally among the most distinguishable areas of the body when it comes to revealing the signs of aging. This is largely because the forehead and the brow is the cornerstone of human facial expressions. This region of our face has remarkably strong and resilient muscles that are constantly in use. The skin that is associated with these muscles, over time, will eventually stretch and wrinkle after years of use.
Dr. Freeman invented the “Segmental Endoscopic Brow Lift.” The results of this brow lift surgery create a more natural and predictable result.
Just as with any other facial plastic surgery procedure, brow lift patients are carefully evaluated to ensure that they are qualified to undergo the procedure. Your facial plastic surgeon will discuss your goals with you, and will determine if the procedure is the best solution for your particular case. He or she wants to ensure that you have reasonable expectations of the procedure, and that you will be extremely pleased with the results.
Determining if you are a brow lift candidate
Most patients who want to improve the appearance of their foreheads and the regions around the brows qualify as a candidate for brow lift surgery. Brow lifts are designed to correct the following problems:
- The presence of lines between your eyebrows
- Creases or deep folds in the forehead
- Brow skin that has begun to sag downward over the eyes
- The upper eyelids are beginning to droop
- The skin directly above your nose is beginning to sag
- Looking perpetually tired or upset
- Patients in good enough health to undergo an invasive surgical procedure
- Patients with reasonable expectations of the surgery
- People who are willing to commit to a healthy post-surgical lifestyle
Consultation with Dr. Freeman
If you wish to discuss the possibility of a brow lift with Dr. Freeman, you should be prepared to answer questions about your existing and past medical conditions. Be sure to tell him about any medications that you are taking, as well as any other surgeries that you have had. He will help you develop a clear understanding of why you want or need a brow lift, and what you are expecting in terms of appearance after the procedure. Dr. Freeman will make sure that you understand the risks, and his expectations. If you are one of the many people who want to know how a brow lift takes years off your face, see Dr. Freeman today.
Finding the best nose job surgeon
When you are looking for the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Charlotte, one of the things you want is a state-of-the-art suite for operations. A good surgeon should keep up with new technology. Another example of this would be the use of imaging software to create three-dimensional models of the patient’s face that allow him or her to see what a new nose would look like. This allows the patient to express very precisely what sort of results he or she wants, and works much better than just having them bring in a photograph of a celebrity’s nose.
Then there is the surgeon himself or herself. One of the most important things to look for in a rhinoplasty surgeon is credentials. The surgeon should have received certification from a board of surgery. And other things being equal, a surgeon with more years of experience is preferable to one who is just starting out. One sign of a good rhinoplasty surgeon is someone with a substantial gallery of before and after photographs of nose jobs. Also, check out the Real Self Web site for customer testimonials about facial plastic surgeons.
The best rhinoplasty surgeons in Charlotte or anywhere else are probably those who are called upon to improve on the work of other rhinoplasty surgeons. These surgeons practice what is called revision rhinoplasty, which is not only more complicated in itself but carries the expectation that this time it had better be done right.
Dr. Freeman is one of America’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeons. He is also the most sought after surgeon for Revision Rhinoplasties- when someone wants to fix a previous nose job from another surgeon.
Charlotte’s best surgeon for nose jobs
Charlotte’s best rhinoplasty surgeon is Dr. Sean Freeman. He has been certified by two different boards of surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Since 1988 he has focused on facial plastic surgery, particularly rhinoplasty. Many of his patients have already gotten nose jobs from other surgeons and come to him for revision rhinoplasty to get the results they really wanted. If you live in North Carolina and are interested in a nose job, make an appointment with the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Charlotte
Otoplasty helps get the ears right
Ear pinning is the cure for ears that stick out
Otoplasty ear pinning Charlotte is a facial plastic surgery procedure that can safely be performed on small children. Otoplasty is surgery on the ears, and it is most often performed on small children, since ear protrusion is a characteristic that appears very early in development of a child, and since children are notoriously cruel towards those of unusual appearance. But it can also be performed on adults with no additional risk.
In otoplasty, a small incision is made in the back of each ear. The cartilage of the ears is repositioned so that they lie a little closer to the head. Other parts of the ear cartilage are also sometimes reshaped. Otoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthetic. If the surgery is being performed on a child, general anesthesia is a better idea, so as to allow them to sleep through it.
After the otoplasty ear pinning Charlotte is complete, a gauze bandage should be wrapped around the head like a turban for about five days. This will hold the ears in their new position and allow them to heal there. Stitches should be removed after a week or so. An adult patient can probably return to work in several days.
If you undergo otoplasty, then for the following four weeks you should avoid contact sports or any other situation that may result in an accidental blow or other trauma to the ear. If the procedure is being performed on a child, the child should stay home from school for about a week and return when the bandages and sutures have been removed.
Charlottes best otoplasty surgeon
Dr. Sean Freeman is Charlotte’s best facial plastic surgeon. He has been certified by two different surgery boards, the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He has done only facial plastic surgery, including ear pinning, since 1988. If otoplasty ear pinning Charlotte sounds right for you, schedule your appointment today or seek out an online consultation for a discount on the consultation fee.
Different cosmetic procedures for upper and lower eyelids
Cosmetic eyelid surgery Charlotte can lift and smooth the eyelids, making them and you look younger without inhibiting their function. Facial plastic surgeons have entirely different procedures for the upper and lower eyelids.
A surgeon performs an upper eye lift by making an incision along the natural fold of the eyelid. He or she then removes excess skin, fat and muscle. This sometimes comes with laser skin resurfacing, injectables, or other cosmetic treatment. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be unconscious for the procedure (you probably would not want to be conscious for this) and will need someone to drive you home.
In some cases, what appears to be a drooping of the upper eyelid may be caused by forehead skin sagging into the eyelid. If this is the case, instead of eyelid surgery the surgeon will recommend an endoscopic brow lift.
Surgery on the lower eyelid
The lower eyelid requires entirely different techniques of cosmetic eyelid surgery Charlotte, of which the most effective is the Lower Lid: SOOF Lift Blepharoplasty. SOOF stands for suborbicularis oculi fat, which is the tiny deposit of fat under the lower eyelid. This deposit slowly sinks into the upper cheek as you age and the tissue that should hold it in place, called the fascial layer, relaxes. A Lower Lid: SOOF Lift Blepharoplasty reverses this process. First, the surgeon makes the initial incision on the inside of the lid. Then the surgeon lifts the suborbicularis oculi fat back into place and tightens the fascial layer to hold it there.
Dr. Freeman invented the “SOOF Lift Blepharoplasty,” the Gold Standard for lower lid rejuvenation.
Charlottes best upper and lower eyelid surgeon
The best eyelid surgeon in Charlotte is Dr. Sean Freeman. He has been certified by two different boards of surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Since 1988 he has focused his practice entirely on facial plastic surgery. He was one of the first doctors in the United States to perform endoscopic brow lift surgery, and invented the SOOF lift blepharoplasty. If you are interested in cosmetic eyelid surgery Charlotte, make an appointment today.
Among the benefits of brow lift surgery, the most obvious is a younger looking forehead. As we age, the skin on our forehead sags, gradually migrating toward the center as well as downward. The movements of the muscles on our foreheads eventually form deep grooves in the skin. Because of this, a brow lift should do more than just pull the skin straight up or remove the grooves. It should reverse the direction in which the skin on the forehead migrates. Every brow lift is individually tailored to a specific face and a specific pattern of aging. Slightly different procedures can be used for men and women, in order to preserve the masculinity or femininity of the face, if the patient wishes.
But also among the benefits of brow lift surgery is younger looking eyes. Often with age the skin of the brow migrates into the space of the upper eyelid. Surgery can reverse this process, restoring some of the appearance of youth to the eyes.
In modern medicine, a brow lift is usually performed endoscopically. This means that a tiny light and camera at the end of a slender tube are inserted under the skin of the brow. With this, the surgeon can see the positioning and attachment of facial muscles, getting a better sense of where and how to do the work. A brow lift may also be combined with other forms of plastic surgery.
Charlotte’s best brow lift surgeon is Dr. Sean Freeman
The best brow lift surgeon in Charlotte is Dr. Sean Freeman. Dr. Freeman invented the “Segmental Endoscopic Brow Lift.” The results of this brow lift surgery create a more natural and predictable result.
He has been certified by two different boards of surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Since 1988 he has focused on facial plastic surgery. He was one of the first doctors in the United States to perform endoscopic brow lift surgery. As someone who has written several papers and taught many courses on the subject of brow lifts, he divides them into four types — the full brow lift, the three-quarter brow lift, the lateral brow lift and the asymmetric brow lift. If you are interested in the benefits of brow lift surgery, make an appointment today.
Procedures Performed
- Segmental Endoscopic Brow Lift
- Deep Plane Mini Tuck
Lower lid: SOOF lift blepharoplasty
- Ablative CO2 Laser Resurfacing: eyes and mouth
- Dr. Freeman’s Makeovers
Gender: Female
Age: 51
Procedures Performed
- Rhinoplasty
Gender: Female
Age: 29