(704) 543-1110
Rhinoplasty — recovery and revision

Rhinoplasty — recovery and revision

Planning for rhinoplasty If you’re planning to get a nose job or rhinoplasty in Charlotte, start preparing now. For the weeks leading up to surgery, stop smoking and don’t take aspirin. You’ll be unconscious for the procedure and won’t be able to drive home afterward,...
Get a good rhinoplasty surgeon

Get a good rhinoplasty surgeon

When it comes to your nose, pay for quality Rhinoplasty is performed in Charlotte to reduce a hump on the bridge of the nose, alter the tip of the nose or repair a deviated septum. The septum is the part of the nose between the nostrils. In a broken nose, the septum...
The process of getting a nose job

The process of getting a nose job

Preparing for the surgery The first step in getting a nose job or rhinoplasty is to find the right surgeon — preferably one with a surgeon with a state-of-the-art suite for operations and a high rating from customers. You probably already have an idea of what you want...
Know the basics of rhinoplasty

Know the basics of rhinoplasty

Understanding rhinoplasty In 2015, nearly 218,000 nose-reshaping procedures were performed. Not all of these were done for cosmetic reasons. Some of them were done to correct medical problems, such as deviations in the septum (the ridge of cartilage and bone between...
A story of cosmetic surgery or Rhinoplasty

A story of cosmetic surgery or Rhinoplasty

A nose job as a career choice The following is a dramatization for Rhinoplasty: Jason had started modeling to pay his college tuition. Once he’d gotten into the habit of staying in shape and taking care of his skin, but still hadn’t found a major that suited him, he...
Get a good rhinoplasty surgeon

Frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Q&A How do I find the best rhinoplasty surgeon in the area? Look for surgeons with good credentials — certification from a board of surgery and many years of experience. Go to the Real Self Web site and read customer testimonials about facial plastic...