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What you need to know about a brow lift

The facts about a brow lift

A brow lift is also referred to as a forehead lift.  This facial plastic surgery procedure may be used to improve your appearance by reducing some of the signs of aging or every day stress.  A brow lift may reduce the wrinkle and lines which develop horizontally across the forehead. It may also address those wrinkles which may occur between the eyes and across the bridge of the nose.  A brow lift can improve the vertical creases or frown lines which develop between the eyebrows.  It can also raise sagging brows which can hood the upper eyelids and helps return your eyebrows to a youthful and more refreshed look.  Charlotte’s best facial plastic surgeon, Dr. M. Sean Freeman is happy to meet with you to discuss the possibility of a brow lift to improve your appearance.


Brow lift candidates

Not everyone is a good candidate for a browlift.  Those who make the best candidates are physically healthy, do not smoke and have realistic goals and a positive outlook about what the surgery can do for them.   As we get older, we can develop wrinkles or lines on the forehead.  These frown lines can make us appear too serious or even angry.  As we age, our facial skin relaxes and begins to sag.  This may result in drooping eyebrows which can cover or hood our upper eyelids.  This may result in a more tired appearance.


The brow lift consultation

When you are considering a browlift, meet with Dr. Freeman for a consultation.  During this appointment, Dr. Freeman will discuss your concerns and your goals for the procedure.  He will examine your face and bone structure and determine which facial plastic surgery procedures can best help you reach your appearance goals.  Dr. Freeman will also evaluate your complete medical history and will ask you about your current medications, alcohol, tobacco or drug use, and what minerals and vitamins you may be taking.  You and Dr. Freeman will discuss your options and he will take photographs of different parts of your face.  He will inform you of all possible risk factors and what you can expect from brow lift surgery.


The brow lift procedure

Dr. Freeman typically performs an endoscopic brow lift where he uses a long, thin tube with a light on the end.  This tube is attached to a video camera that Dr. Freeman uses during the surgery.  He will make several tiny incisions on your scalp and then insert the tube and camera to provide a clear view of the internal structure of your forehead.  Performing an endoscopic brow lift has several advantages, including less scarring, a more natural result that lasts longer, and the complete return of sensation to your forehead and face.   While complications do not occur often, they are possible and include itching and numbness following surgery.


If you live in Charlotte NC and want to improve your appearance and regain your youthful look, call Dr. Freeman, Charlotte’s best facial plastic surgeon and schedule a consultation appointment.  He will meet with you at his clinic, The Center for Facial and Plastic Laser Surgery and provide you the details on brow lift surgery.

Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only FacesCharlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.