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Rhinoplasty specialist in Charlotte NC explains balancing aesthetics and functionality

Rhinoplasty experts can help restore function and improve facial appearance

Rhinoplasty specialists in Charlotte NC can correct your nasal flaw to improve appearance and function. Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, is a popular and challenging cosmetic surgery that reshapes the nose. It not only improves how the nose looks but also how it works for breathing and smelling. Nose job surgeons need to balance the art and science of this complex operation. They need to consider what the patient wants, how their nose looks and works, where they come from, how old they are, whether they are male or female, and how their nose matches their face.

## The Art of Rhinoplasty

The art of rhinoplasty is creating a natural-looking nose that suits the patient’s face and personality. The goal is not to make a perfect nose, but a nose that fits the person and makes them more beautiful. A good nose job surgeon should have a good sense of beauty, as well as an understanding of facial shapes, sizes, and balance. They should also be able to talk well with the patient and understand why they want to change their nose and what they hope to achieve.

The art of rhinoplasty also involves respecting the differences and uniqueness of each patient’s nose. There is no one right way to do a nose job, as different people have different noses and different ideas of beauty. For example, some people may want a higher or lower nose bridge, while others may want a wider or narrower nose base. Therefore, nose job surgeons should know the variations and details of different noses and adjust their techniques accordingly.

## The Science of Rhinoplasty

The science of rhinoplasty involves using the rules of anatomy, physiology, mechanics, and healing to get a safe and effective result. The nose is made of various parts, such as bones, cartilages, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, skin, and mucosa, that work together to do their functions. A good rhinoplasty surgeon should know these parts and how they relate to each other, as well as how they can change and heal after surgery.

The science of rhinoplasty also involves using techniques and methods that have been tested and proven to work in practice. Rhinoplasty surgeons should be familiar with the latest developments and inventions in the field, such as computer imaging, 3D printing, endoscopic surgery, piezoelectric surgery, ultrasonic rhinoplasty, tissue engineering, stem cells, growth factors, and more. They should also be able to weigh the pros and cons of each technique and choose the best one for each case.

How rhinoplasty improves aesthetics

Rhinoplasty improves aesthetics in various ways, depending on the patient’s goals and needs. Some of the ways are:

  • It can reduce or increase the size of the nose to make it more proportional to the rest of the face.
  • It can correct bumps, humps, or crookedness on the nasal bridge to create a smoother and straighter profile.
  • It can refine the shape and position of the nasal tip to make it more defined, symmetrical, and harmonious with the nasal bridge.
  • It can adjust the width and shape of the nostrils to make them more balanced and natural-looking.
  • It can respect and enhance the ethnic and cultural features of the nose, such as the nasal bridge height, projection, and angle.

How rhinoplasty improves function

Rhinoplasty improves function in various ways, depending on the patient’s goals and needs. Some of the ways are:

  • It can correct a deviated septum, which is a condition where the wall between the nostrils is crooked or off-center. This can cause breathing problems, snoring, sleep apnea, nosebleeds, or sinus infections. Rhinoplasty can straighten the septum and open the nasal passages.
  • It can repair a broken nose, which can result from trauma, injury, or disease. A broken nose can cause pain, swelling, bruising, deformity, or breathing difficulties. Rhinoplasty can realign the bones and cartilage and restore the shape and function of the nose.
  • It can fix a congenital abnormality, which is a birth defect that affects the nose. Some examples are cleft lip and palate, nasal masses, or choanal atresia. These conditions can affect the appearance and function of the nose and may require multiple surgeries to correct.
  • It can restore nasal function after cancer treatments, such as surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. These treatments can damage the nose and cause scarring, shrinkage, or obstruction. Rhinoplasty can rebuild the nose using grafts or implants and improve breathing and smelling.
  • It can improve nasal airflow and reduce nasal resistance, which are measures of how well air moves through the nose. Poor nasal airflow and high nasal resistance can cause chronic nasal congestion, dryness, irritation, or infections. Rhinoplasty can modify the size and shape of the nasal valves, which are narrow areas in the nose that regulate airflow.

## The Balance of Art and Science

The balance of art and science in rhinoplasty is important for getting a good result that makes both the patient and the surgeon happy. A good rhinoplasty surgeon should be able to mix their artistic vision with their scientific knowledge and skills to make a nose that is beautiful and functional. They should also be able to deal with the problems and difficulties that may happen during or after surgery and solve them effectively.

Rhinoplasty is not a one-time surgery, but a lifelong process that needs constant care and follow-up. The nose may change over time due to aging, injury, infection, or other factors. Therefore, rhinoplasty surgeons should keep in touch with their patients and check their results regularly. They should also be ready to do another surgery if needed to fix any issues or improve any parts that are not satisfactory. 

Work with the best rhinoplasty specialist in Charlotte NC

Rhinoplasty is both an art and a science that needs passion, dedication, creativity, accuracy, experience, and expertise. It is one of the most rewarding and satisfying surgeries in plastic surgery for both patients and surgeons. Contact Dr. Sean Freeman at Only Faces, Charlotte’s most experienced rhinoplasty surgeon and top facial plastic surgeon, to schedule a consultation to find out what procedure is right for you. Call today.